Upgrading Maiden Lane's Heating and Hot Water Systems


  • Resident consultation

    January 2024





    Initial meeting with residents and TRA to explain the works in more detail, and listen to your thoughts, concerns, and suggestions and receive feedback.
  • Workshop

    10 May 2024




    25 June 2024

    Another public meeting where we will discuss the FAQ and different architypes. This is an opportunity for you to ask me any further questions you have, and share any concerns. The Workshop will have 2 sessions, 4pm-6pm and 6pm-8pm.
  • Procurement

    Early 2024




    Late Spring 2024

    We will ask different contractors to bid (or “tender”) for the work laid out in the project scope.
  • Leaseholder consultation Stage 2

    late Spring 2024





    We will provide leaseholders with a summary of the tenders which contractors have submitted and tell them which contractor we propose to use. We provide an estimate of the amount each leaseholder will be expected to contribute to the project. Just like stage 1, the consultation will be open for comment for 30 days, and we cannot move to the next stage of the project until we have responded to the comments leaseholders submit.
  • Meet the contractor and start on site

    Summer 2024





    At this point we will appoint the contractor, and I will invite you to another public session where you can meet them. We will discuss finer details like how the workers will access the site, and where their rest facilities can go, and you can share any further ideas or questions you have.